Source code for HTSeqCountCluster.pbsjob.pbsjob

from subprocess import run, CalledProcessError, PIPE
import os
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

from HTSeqCountCluster.logger import Logger
from HTSeqCountCluster.pbsjob.pbsutils import (basejobids, write_code_file,
                                               import_temp, file_to_str)
from HTSeqCountCluster.pbsjob.pbsconfig import __DEFAULT__
from HTSeqCountCluster import pbsjob
from HTSeqCountCluster.pbsjob.qstat import Qstat

[docs]class BasePBSJob(object): """Base class for simple jobs.""" def __init__(self, base_jobname): """Initialize job attributes.""" self.default_job_attributes = __DEFAULT__ self.file2str = file2str self.sgejob_log = Logger().default(logname="SGE JOB", logfile=None) self.pbsworkdir = os.getcwd() # Import the temp.pbs file using pkg_resources self.temp_pbs = resource_filename(pbsjob.__name__, "temp.pbs") @classmethod def _configure(cls, length, base_jobname): """Configure job attributes or set it up.""" baseid, base = basejobids(length, base_jobname) return baseid, base
[docs] def debug(self, code): """Debug the SGEJob.""" raise NotImplementedError
def _cleanup(self, jobname): """Clean up job scripts.""" self.sgejob_log.warning('Your job will now be cleaned up.') os.remove(jobname + '.pbs') self.sgejob_log.warning('%s.pbs has been deleted.' % jobname) os.remove(jobname + '.py') self.sgejob_log.warning(' has been deleted.' % jobname)
[docs]class PBSJob(BasePBSJob): """Create a qsub/pbs job & script for the job to execute.""" def __init__(self, email_address, base_jobname=None): super().__init__(base_jobname=base_jobname) = email_address self.attributes = self.default_job_attributes self.jobname = self.default_job_attributes['job_name'] if base_jobname is not None: _, self.jobname = self._configure(base_jobname=base_jobname, length=5) self.attributes = self._update_default_attributes() def _update_default_attributes(self): pyfile_path = os.path.join(self.pbsworkdir, self.jobname + '.py') # These attributes are automatically updated if a jobname is given. new_attributes = {'email':, 'job_name': self.jobname, 'outfile': self.jobname + '.o', 'errfile': self.jobname + '.e', 'script': self.jobname, 'log_name': self.jobname + '.log', 'cmd': 'python3 ' + pyfile_path, } self.default_job_attributes.update(new_attributes) return self.default_job_attributes
[docs] def submit_code(self, code, cleanup=True, default=True): """Create and submit a qsub job. Submit python code.""" # TIP If python is in your environment as only 'python' update that. # If default, a python file will be created from code that is used. # Allow user input to be a python file if os.path.isfile(code) and str(code).endswith('.py'): code_str = self.file2str(code)'%s converted to string.' % code) elif type(code) == str: code_str = code if default: 'You are running a job with default attributes.') writecodefile(filename=self.jobname, code=code_str, language='python') pyfilename = self.jobname + '.py' '%s python file has been created.' % pyfilename) # Create the pbs script from the template or dict pbstemp = import_temp(self.temp_pbs) pbsfilename = self.jobname + '.pbs' with open(pbsfilename, 'w') as pbsfile: pbsfile.write(pbstemp.substitute(self.attributes)) pbsfile.close()'%s has been created.' % pbsfilename) else: msg = 'Custom SGEJob creation is not yet implemented.' raise NotImplementedError(msg) # TODO Add custom job creation # Submit the job using qsub try: cmd = ['qsub ' + self.jobname + '.pbs'] # this is the command # Shell MUST be True cmd_status = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True, check=True) except CalledProcessError as err: self.sgejob_log.error(err.stderr.decode('utf-8')) if cleanup: self._cleanup(self.jobname) else: if cmd_status.returncode == 0: # Command was successful. # The cmd_status has stdout that must be decoded. # When a qsub job is submitted, the stdout is the job id. submitted_jobid = cmd_status.stdout.decode('utf-8') + ' was submitted.')'Your job id is: %s' % submitted_jobid) return submitted_jobid if cleanup: self._cleanup(self.jobname) else: # Unsuccessful. Stdout will be '1' self.sgejob_log.error('PBS job not submitted.')
[docs] def submit_cmd(self, cmd, cleanup=True): """Create and submit a qsub job. Submit python code.""" cmddict = {'cmd': cmd} self.attributes.update(cmddict) # Create the pbs script from the template or dict pbstemp = import_temp(self.temp_pbs) pbsfilename = self.jobname + '.pbs' with open(pbsfilename, 'w') as pbsfile: pbsfile.write(pbstemp.substitute(self.attributes)) pbsfile.close()'%s has been created.' % pbsfilename) # Submit the job using qsub try: cmd = ['qsub ' + self.jobname + '.pbs'] # this is the command # Shell MUST be True cmd_status = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True, check=True) except CalledProcessError as err: self.sgejob_log.error(err.stderr.decode('utf-8')) if cleanup: self._cleanup(self.jobname) else: if cmd_status.returncode == 0: # Command was successful. # The cmd_status has stdout that must be decoded. # When a qsub job is submitted, the stdout is the job id. submitted_jobid = cmd_status.stdout.decode('utf-8') + ' was submitted.')'Your job id is: %s' % submitted_jobid) return submitted_jobid if cleanup: self._cleanup(self.jobname) else: # Unsuccessful. Stdout will be '1' self.sgejob_log.error('PBS job not submitted.')